The MR2 uses Metric almost exclusively. 8mm, 10mm, 12mm, 14mm, 17mm, 18mm, 19mm will be your work horse sizes.
- spark plug sockets
- phillips screwdriver
- rubber hammer
- breaker bar (1\2 inch)
- 18" to 24" piece of pipe (needs to fit over breaker bar)
- 2-ton hydraulic jack with jack stands (2 minimum), and a set of chocks, or something to prevent the wheels from moving
- allen keys (various sizes)
- 3/8 drive torque wrench (inch pounds)
- 1/2 drive torque wrench (foot pounds)
- Get 6 point sockets whenever you can, especially in the larger socket sizes.
- Several different extension sizes. 4" is particularly useful.
- Simple Green automotive cleaner.