3vzfe HG
V6 warning: Toyota head gaskets break the laws of physics
They suck & blow at the same damn time! This is my FOURTH set of head gaskets. The problem is from warrenty work originally done by Lexus to repair them. They didn’t deck/mill the heads & block. (I hate dealer service, both Lexus & Toyota - they’re complete jokes in every way.)
Expect this to happen on every 80’s- late 90’s v6 Toyota made once you start putting out good power.
(http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/DNoel/Car Pictures/BlownGasket-2.jpg) (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v208/DNoel/Car Pictures/BlownGasket-1.jpg)
Notice how a can of Seafoam (applied following their directions, in 1/3 of a can intervale - that’s 2/3 of a cup - through the intake) completely removed the carbon from the combustion chambers.
(For people that don’t know, disregard any fluid in any picture, it dumps in when you break the seal to the intake manifold & the cylinder heads - it is not due to leaking.)
This time last year when I replaced the head gaskets the first time & did the head porting:
This time:
Cyl #6 (Normal)
Cyl #4 (note the carbon build-up where the head gasket is blown)
Cylinder #4
Cylinder #6
I’ve been off water injection for a while now. But you can see the MASSIVE amount of difference it can make just by looking at the combustion chamber -> Mint. The valve cutouts for the piston ->Spotless.
The astute will notice it’s blown in the same place - I bet when I get around to pulling the rear bank it’ll have a toasted main coolant passange for #1 & #3…
Coolant + Oil + Exhaust + 80psi pump =
Somebody take that batter & make some muffins!